Monday, April 16, 2007


But not with much. I've got lots to post. just not a lot of time. Here is a few more to work on my 100.

21. I was once a pall bearer.

22. I have terrible eyesight.

23. I love to snuggle, which is the hardest part about J working nights.

24. I have small hands.

25. I knew the exact moment I got pregnant. I even wrote it down on an envelope to prove it later. Dec 1, 2005. It took almost 5 weeks for the test to show it what I already knew.

26. I don't like people who begrudge things that others have. Get over it- that's my motto.

27. I would be a terrible (or great?) counselor, because that is my advise a lot of times.

28. I was a lifeguard all through high school.

29. I was also a volunteer fireman for a brief stint, but the firehouse was not a good place to be.

30. If Jacob dies, I told him I wanted to marry Peyton Manning. But Jacob said I couldn't, that P was married to football and if I messed that up he would come out of his grave to strangle me. So here I sit, Peytonless. I guess it is okay- Andi Manning sounds a little dumb anyway.


Anonymous said...

Peyton is pretty sexy! I didn't know you were a volunteer B'ville I assume. I'm SURE that was interesting :) (Were you the only lady?)

Patricia said...

a lifeguarding, visually impaired, small-handed firefighting pall bearer. dang. you got skills.

you knew the exact moment. wow. that took my breath away. beautiful, perfect and positively wrenching all at the same time.

Tina said...

Why was the firehouse "not a good place to be"?