Monday, April 09, 2007

A few photos

The first is the other day when we realized it was time to move the crib mattress down. I almost had a heart attack.

Second: Wes-Man gave Sophie a spotted dog, much like his own. She took it on a walk the other day and it hung out her mouth like this the ENTIRE time.

Third: Sophie on Easter. She was a doll!

Last but not least, the much sought after tattoo. I couldn't get it to focus better, but it reads "Amen, Come Lord Jesus" from Revelation. If I could get away with more, I would have one on the inside of my wrist, one on the base of my heel, on the tendon, and one on the back of my neck below the hairline. All black. All scripture based. All totally righteous. I'm sure I've grossed and appalled over half of you now. I'll understand, I get it from my mother at least once a week.
PS- it is on my lower back.


Perri said...

Picture 1 - Cute
Picture 2 - Adorable
Picture 3 - Beautiful
Picture 4 - No comment (see how much better I'm getting about your body scar)

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Sophie is getting really big! I must say I am shocked that you have a tattoo. And want more. Although it is tasteful & respectable. Just don't joining any biker gangs!!

Anonymous said...

Andi - love your tattoo. Wish I was brave enough to get one. Mine probably wouldn't be that tasteful. I'm sure it would have some purple & red in it.
love you - Granny Gayle

Anonymous said...

Sophie is just so CUTE !!! I love the puppy in the mouth pic. As for the Tattoo, AWESOME, now if I could just talk my wife into getting one.

Patricia said...

those pics are beautiful. thanks for sharing your tat, too!

Anonymous said...

love the tat. I am a huge fan of them. can't decide where to get my next one.

Sophie looks just adorable as always!

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Love all the Sophie photos! I'm with your mom on tattos in general but at least yours has a good message ;-).

Courtney said...

Hi Andi,

I popped over here from your mom's blog. :)

My DS has the same crib bumpers that Sophie does, but I didn't know they had them in colors. Cute!

I had a similar moment of near-heart attack the first time I saw him standing in his crib a few months ago. Of course, before I did anything about it, I too, ran for the camera! If I wasn't so paranoid, I'd definitely post a picture! He was so pleased with himself. The first of many heart attack-worthy moments, I'm sure!

Actually, we had one this morning. I was standing RIGHT NEXT to his changing table/dresser with my hip actually touching it and unbuttoning his clothes, and he rolled off! Not the first time he's tried to do that, but this time he actually caught the air and was on his way downnnn. Luckily, I caught him. I can only imagine if I hadn't been standing there. It's the only time in my life I've been grateful for carpet (should the worst happen).

Ah, life with a fearless boy.


Tina said...

Cute pics of Sophie. She's just such a pretty girl! Hope she's my daughter-in-law one day! Can we arrange that now??