Friday, May 25, 2007

Baby News

I'm having one for sure. Just one. One only. I am about 8 weeks along with a due date of December 31st. On the ultrasound you could see little arms moving and such, but on the pictures I got...not so much. Little white blobs of nothing, so I didn't bother to post them. But now I finally feel pregnant, now that I have SEEN and HEARD for sure that I am. And, at the most I only could have been on the medicine for a few days, which is awesome! So, that's my news, I hope you all have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Hooray!! I'm so happy things are looking good! So what's the scoop on names? Have any ideas yet? I always thought Meagan Jr. was a lovely name! Just kidding! :o)

5KidMom said...

First of all, with a due date of December 31, you absolutely cannot have this baby late. The tax deduction, ya' know?!?!

Second, I was in a car accident right about the time I got pregnant with child #1. I had also had MAJOR knee surgery a few weeks before. I required A LOT of pain killers, muscle relaxers, etc. That turned out to be the closest thing to a textbook pregnancy I ever had. She has almost never been sick, is gorgeous (Yes, I'm biased) and has been a straight "A" student throughout her school career so far. Of course, at 12 1/2 years old, she is rather sassy. Do you think it could be the lasting effects of my meds? Oh, wait, I'm pretty sure it's pre-teen, PMS, girl stuff. Ugh!

You, and baby, will be OK. After all, you're covered in prayer by all of us, and our God is MIGHTY big!

Jodi said...

Congrats! One is good.

I always had an ultrasound with my babies and everyone seemed so shocked it was only one in there. Like they were wishing twins on me or something. LOL