Monday, May 21, 2007

A bit hormonal?

I think the hormones are kicking in as lately I have been a walking, talking, emotional disaster area. Today at work I cried (a LOT, almost a full on bawl) looking at a picture of Sophie, thinking about her chubby cheeks and how all too soon she will be all grown up. I think the saddest part about her growing up is that once kids get so old, you don't get to touch them so much. Do I get to out grow my desire to pet Sophie's cheeks or do I just have to deal with it? I mean, how many mothers do you know that get to rock their 15 year old to sleep, hold their little hands or stroke their hair?
Last night I watched the season finale of Gilmore Girls with Momma, which is a show I neither follow or care about. It was about the daughter leaving home to go get her first job, and I just thought about how I would feel if Sophie was going away, and how did MY mom feel when I left home. I just don't ever want to get to the day when I hear my little girl's car door slam as she is leaving home for the last time. I'm hoping this is just hormones, but I am afraid it may just be feeling like a mom, and I'm not going to get over that any time soon. No one ever told me how hard this part would be, watching her grow up faster than I can keep track. One day soon I'll just look around and she will be gone. Until then I am determined to enjoy her every single day. She is so precious.


Anonymous said...

Why do you think I was so happy you only moved 186 steps down the street when you moved out? (Not that I ever counted them....)

All that you are experiencing should tell you what I always tell you -- you are a great momma.

But now you know why I don't care if people look at us like we're crazy when you hold my hand when we walk along together. You never get too old to want to touch your babies.

I love you.


Heidi Kellems said...

Wonderful post Andi

Perri I think you probably made Andi cry all the more with your remarks. I do pray though that as my girls (and sons) get older they won't care one way or other about holding hands either. I cried when Jess hit 13 thinking I only have 5 more full-time years with her (unless she wants to hang around a little longer).

Heidi Kellems said...

Wonderful post Andi

Perri I think you probably made Andi cry all the more with your remarks. I do pray though that as my girls (and sons) get older they won't care one way or other about holding hands either. I cried when Jess hit 13 thinking I only have 5 more full-time years with her (unless she wants to hang around a little longer).

Anonymous said...

Bah, Jess, (who is 13) climbed up onto my lap the other day, and wanted to be held and rocked, and what daddy could say no to that. I held her, and rocked her, and petted her long blond hair, but all this babying came to screeching halt, when this Precious Child farted on my leg, GIRLS are so nasty !!!

Fatcat said...

I just kind of posted the same thing on my blog. After the biological clock ticks for you to have babies, it seems to still be going on the background, because they are growing up so fast. It's part of being a Mom. I think having more kids diffuses it somewhat. My baby is 8 now ... almost 9 and his birthday will be bittersweet for me for the very reasons we've discussed.

Just have fun and enjoy your babies, then enjoy your kids and then enjoy your adult kids. Just because they grow up, doesn't mean they're gone. I just saw my mom and dad yesterday.

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

That made me cry! What a sweet post. Sometimes I'm so tired that I think I want to skip ahead a few months but then I remember how precious this time is, however exhausting it might be, and once it's gone you can never get it back. I'm going to go snuggle the boys right now!

Tina said...

I know just what you mean...Jackson used to sleep with Kasey & I EVERY night. From birth till about 3 years old. He'd love to fall asleep holding my face with his itty bitty hands and I loved it but sometimes it drove me CRAZY. Now he doesn't even remember that he used to do that. When was that last special "mommy face hold"?? How did I miss it??? And OH how I wish I could have it back.
Love you! Tina