Monday, May 14, 2007

Catching Up

What a busy few weeks. I wish it was full of exciting new things to tell you all about, but really it mostly centered around getting the literacy center open. Which we did. Amazingly. In fact, that is where I am blogging from right now as I wait for "customers". I don't really expect any as this is our first day, but hey- you never know. So that is all almost done, just a few loose ends to tie up sooner or later. If you have not seen picture of it, my mom has some posted HERE.

A happy belated mother's day to you, should that pertain to you. Hope you had a good day.

The biggest and most exciting news is that my little girl learned to crawl. She is so funny at it too! She did it for the first time last Friday night, but did not actually figure out that she was, and could, move until just a few days ago. Now she is into everything, we still need to baby-proof the house and she has figured out that she REALLY does not like to be told "no". Come to think of it, neither do I! There are days when I think that she could not possibly get more fun, then the next day she goes and proves me wrong. She is truly my sunshine! Also, on the plus side of crawling, it wears her out some, which means longer naps! Can't beat that with a stick!

I started working on my new job. At first I was a little discouraged because the only thing I had to do was get kids to attend this summer conference in Indy in June. Paid for completely. No one from the schools I mentor has gone in years. And as of the morning of the cut off date, I was going to continue the streak. But then, at the last minute, not one, not two, but THREE from one school turned in registrations and maybe one from the other. I am just thrilled! I am hoping that it all works out as it should, and that my first "assignment" is not a bust. But hey, I suppose even if no one ends up going, at least I tried. Next year I will have more notice and be able to get information out sooner than one week before, and I will also know the kids better to know who would and would not be interested in going. We may open it up to Sophomores too, if we need more kids to be involved. The only tricky thing about that is that Sophomores have only been out of Jr. High for two years. I'd like to keep a bit more cushion there than that, so that when the high schooler’s go to the jr. high, they seem much older, rather than just a bit older.

I still feel great as far as being pregnant goes. I have taken three pregnancy tests now, so I am really finally convinced that I am, indeed pregnant. My first appointment is on Thursday, so we'll see how that goes.

I'm glad things have slowed down some, I'd like to breath for a while before doing something else, but we'll see. I am ashamed to say that I have not taken any pictures of Sophie lately. I'll try to be better.

1 comment:

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Happy First Mother's Day, and a crawler too, how exciting!