Thursday, May 17, 2007

Went to the Doctor

And I got nothing. He thinks I am only about 7 weeks along, but that doesn't really make since since I took the first test April 23rd. So we have an ultrasound scheduled for next week to see how far I really am. Please join me in praying that I was NOT pregnant while in the hospital, as the medicines I was on would be "not good" as the doctor put it. I should be in the clear, but I'm gonna tell you, I will feel better when I know for sure!

And- I got asked the other day if I still work at my first job... yes, I do. I just work 2 jobs now. And, we went from 0 to 3 to now 6 people coming to the summer conference. Awesome!

1 comment:

Heidi Kellems said...

Dr. people crack me up. They feel like they know things but then question themselves. I do pray the meds didn't affect the baby in anyway. We need Benjamin (still praying for this name LOL) to be a strong little guy.