Friday, May 04, 2007

I got a HUGE donation of books today for the center, I was so tickled to see my little classroom almost filled with boxes. Now I just have to pray that people come in to use them! Awesome!

Today Sam came home for the summer and our merry band is complete again. Yay!

We can't agree on a baby name to save our lives. Sophie was so easy- this time, not so much.

Jacob and I have racked our brains thinking of a funny story to tell, but really, we have not seen a lot of each other this week and I have been pretty tired, so we can't come up with anything. Other than watching Sophie try to crawl, that is amusing. She is SO CLOSE (and has been for weeks, ). I have a funny movie of her trying to go, and one day I'll find the time to get it on here.

I started working on things for my new job, and so far it is going well. I think it will work out perfectly for my schedule, though I will have to keep working part time. But the extra income will be great, and hopefully so will the spiritual rewards.

The center is set to open on Monday, with an open house on Thursday. This Thursday. Will it be ready is the question of the hour! It will be enough to get going anyway!

That's it. That's all I've got. I'm pooped out. Done.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

i swear, you (and your mom!) get more done in a week than i accomplish in a month.

i can't wait to hear the name possibilities.