Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Jacob's first venture into the blogging world

My first venture into the wide world of blogging is not exactly by choice but by the request of my lovely wife. Andi's been placed on bed rest for a couple of days due to her having a bit of spotting. The doctor says that everything appears okay but she needs to take it a little easy until it stops. I was a little worried at first and insisted she call the doctor(on Memorial Day) and make an appointment to get it checked out. Feeling much better now. I know for sure that this is hard on Andi because she does not like to be idle. So if everyone could keep her in your prayers that would be great. I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words so I think I'll just keep this nice and short and hopefully Andi will be back up and at em' to save me from having to fill in. Have a nice day everyone.


Patricia said...

yay, a guest appearance! please tell andi that i am praying for a super speedy recovery that will get her back to her normal routine very quickly.

you should blog around more often, it's nice to hear from you!

Tina said...

We'll be praying for Andi! We love you guys!
Take care of my little daughter in law! I love that little chickapoo!

Cathy said...

You're an awesome hubby to blog for her. We love you Andi, take it easy, many prayers!

Staci said...

We're praying for Andi...wait to fill in for her!!

Jennifer said...

Praying for you Andi. I know how tedious bedrest can be...I can only imagine having a little one to keep up with only makes it more frustrating. You know it is worth it to get to the end goal, though!!!

VaQueenBee said...

I'm praying for you, Andi! Thanks for the update did great!

Anonymous said...

Keep those feet up girl!!! I know how frustrating it can be when you can't hold your little baby! Praying for you.