Saturday, June 02, 2007

The demise of Jacob's hopes to only blog once

So as you can probably tell by the title, Andi still remains on bedrest, and once again I am forced into the role of guest blogger. She is hating every minute of it and just desires to be able to get up and hold our little girl. And she isn't the only one, Sophie has begun to get very frustrated also and just wants her momma to hold her. We have called the doctors again and they still say there is nothing to do except wait (they've told us before but in our foolish minds we were hoping something could be done).

On the brighter side of the sun our friends Mike and Meagan were married today and they both looked very happy together. Sophie has been in quite a good mood lately and has been keeping me busy chasing her down and keeping her out of trouble. She played peek-a-boo with us earlier today by holding one of her blankets in front of her face until we would both say "Where's Sophie?" and then she would yank it down and smile her biggest smile. She is truly a bright spot in our world and I am so thankful for her. Also, Andi has asked me to let you all know that we think we have our baby names picked out. Abby Jo for a girl and Keegan Levi for a boy. Well I guess I'll be done and once more I'll make the wish that this will be the last time I must do this (no offense to any of you of course... just my own lack of desire to talk with my fingers).

Farewell to all and keep the prayers for Andi coming.


Perri said...

Funny title. Made me laugh out loud.

I look forward to many more guest appearances from you.

Anonymous said...

I've read your blog for months and have followed your little family but never commented.

I just wanted to say I hope Andi is up and around soon.

I like your choice of names for the new baby.

I really enjoyed you filling in for Andi - hope to hear from you again.


Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Great names!! Praying everything will be okay and that Andi can be up and around again real quick.

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Jacob's return!
Boo for Andi still in bed.

Hoping she's up and back with us soon. In the meantime, so glad to have you keep us updated.

Cute baby names. Do you have a nickname picked out for this one like you did for Sophie before she was born?


Tina said...

I like the baby names! I'm praying for Andi...I called over to her mom's today to check on her and I talked with little Jacob because Perri wasn't there. I sure hope things get better real soon!