Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I Jacob,

being of both sound mind and body, do hereby make this blog entry of my own free will without any provocation coming from my beloved wife... Honest. Well, almost. After my last post Andi requested a reading of said post, which, being the gracious and doting husband that I am immediately granted her, she suddenly had the brilliant idea that since it was such a good post(her opinion, not mine) that we should now take turns on the blog maintaining duties. Sigh. Now anyone knows that in this type of situation I am now doomed. Knowing that my chances of getting out of this scott free are slim on a good day, I also know that getting out of this on a pregnant day are pretty much zilch. So to save myself from the long drawn out process of resisting until the last of my will crumbles, I decided to go ahead and give in. I guess it won't actually be that bad... she said we just had to take turns... not how long could transpire in between turns did she:)
Anyways, now that I am done with my rant I will get on to the update. After a brief period we thought that the bedrest was coming to an end (yay). Then, alas, it was not to be. At 1:30 Andi returned home from work and is now once again on bedrest (boo). So we are back to trying to cope with frustration and learn to have patience and just let God work it out. He's gotta have a reason for this so now we're just waiting to figure it out. Keep the prayers coming please and in response to one of the comments the nickname for the baby is Keeby. I guess I will be talking to you all once again in the probably not so distant future much to my dismay. Have a nice day!


Patricia said...

oooh that sounds like a fine plan! share and share alike. i can't wait to read more tandem posts and i hope andi is back on her feet very soon. hugs to her and keeby!

Tina said...

What a good guy:)
I'm praying for Andi & little Keeby!