Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Good times in a small town...

Yes, that is Sam... in a weed eater box. She is tiny, the box is tiny, it's Saturday night... it just seemed natural. See, we even cut her out a little peephole because we are just that considerate.
This is just what truly creative people do when faced with lack of culture, taste and money. Now don't you wish it was YOU in the box?


Tina said...

That's TOO funny!!!

Patricia said...

if you ever buy a very large refrigerator or an extra capacity washing machine, i'm your girl.

Anonymous said...

Well, great. I guess I can't hide the crazy anymore.

The things I do for you guys...

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking you could get her in there and ship her somewhere if you wanted. She better be good!

MEAGAN said...

Lack of culture? I thought the hour of stupid human tricks was pretty classy myself, lol! :)

VaQueenBee said...

I wish I could fit in that box!