Thursday, July 26, 2007

Book Me, Baby

The Contest fever had hit blogland, but this is the only one I have entered so far, because you can win a book, which is by far my favorite sort of prize. All you have to do to enter yourself is link to Jodi, who is celebrating her birthday with a giveaway, and tell about your favorite book as a kid.

Mine was a several way tie, between some fabulous books that remind me of being a kid every time I read them. I had them all memorized, so far before I could read, I could "read" them to my brother Zac. They are: The Monster at the End of This Book, More Spaghetti I Say and Hop on Pop.

As I got older, I loved the Boxcar Children and the Chronicles of Narnia, The Happy Hollisters, Nancy Drew and anything and everything by Shel Silverstein, especially A Light in the Attic.

One of my favorite parts so far about being a mom is getting to decide what to read to Sophie and see her learn to love reading as much as I do. I am so thankful that I had a mother who instilled into me the importance of reading and more than that, the JOY of reading.

I think I'll go read now, so should you!


Patricia said...

i hope you win the contest!

i still have a dozen or so books from when i was a little girl, including my original "see jane run" reader and i cherish them. books are so magical, even as an adult. but as a kid, wow!

MEAGAN said...

Teaching her the joy of reading is truly a gift from you she will have throughout her whole life. I loved anything written by Roald Dahl. Eric Carle has some great books for beginning readers too. PS- love the new layout!

Heidi Kellems said...

Just curious what were some of Jacob's favorite books as a child as well?

Amy said...

I love Shel Silverstein as well. The Giving Tree is the best.

The Snipes said...

Oh yes, I love Shel Silverstein too! I think my favorite kid's book was the Velveteen Rabbit.