Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sophie Gopherton

Today I finally decided I REALLY needed to pick up Sophie's room. (She had found a folder with her favorite thing... papers. Yummy.) Normally I just let it slide since she really does not have many toys out at a time, so the clutter is far from overwhelming. But today with all the mess, I cleaned it all up and put her toys in her little toy basket that sits on the floor. That is when her digging skills come in. She promptly crawled over to the basket and proceeded to take every toy out, look at it for a moment and toss it behind her. All she needed was a little headlamp to look like Gopher from Winnie-the-Pooh. Needless to say, I was instantly reminded as to why I gave up on picking up! A year ago that floor would have driven me CRAZY. Funny how things change. Now I just have to live in fear of the day she discovers dirt.


Patricia said...

awww, she has you trained very well ;)

Jodi said...

The best toys are at the very bottom of the box!

My kids taught me that a long long time ago. LOL