Tuesday, July 17, 2007

These Shoes are Made for - Tantrums

So I found a pair of shoes for Sos. Not really cute ones, but ones that fit around her rather girthy feet. They have glitter- not a fan. But as much as I don't like them, Sophie dislikes them more. She hates those shoes with a fervent passion. She screams, wails, throws herself on the floor in a dramatic fashion that I have never seen from her. After about half an hour she leaves them alone, but until then the routine is this:

Try to take them off
Fail to take them off
Try to take them off
Fail to take them off

Try to take them off
Fail to take them off

Throw screaming fit

And she won't walk normally in them either. She high steps now, like she is wading through a pit of vipers or in an old school marching band. I'm not sure shoes were a step (excuse my pun) in the right direction, walking wise. But hey, a girl can't go barefoot forever, so the shoe enforcement goes on. And the drama ensues. Oh the humanity.


Courtney said...
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Courtney said...

I would recommend shoes with soft soles. That's really important for developing feet and young walkers. We love Robeez, but they're kind of pricey. I know they have similar styles for less at Target.



Patricia said...

She screams, wails, throws herself on the floor in a dramatic fashion

ya know, i gotta say, i'm rather envious of her current coping mechanism and i just may have to give it a try.

poor lil thing, i hope she gets used to them soon. i wonder what she'll do when she has to get used to a bra.

heh. sorry.

The Gentry's said...

Hi Andi,

thought I would delurk and tell you that I am going through the same thing with my sweet girl. she also has chubby feet. I finally got her a pair of pedipeds and she loves them...well, at least she keeps them on her feet without the dramatics and they seem to have improved her balance. They are still soft shoes but also give good support and they're pretty cute...no glitter :) They apparently make a good snack too. Hope this might help. http://www.pediped.com/Home/Whypediped.aspx


Vicki said...

Sorry I had to take her combat boots off yesterday when Meg and I watched her. She was giving me battle scars!

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

I don't like wearing shoes either! Good thing it's hot here and I can wear flip flops every day!

Jennifer said...

Andi- I am just catching up on a week's worth of your posts. No real advice on the shoes...I don't remember anything except from the phase we are currently in, that's why I write it all down :-)
As for the names, 4 of our 6 names were family names...so that made it a little easier!