Wednesday, July 25, 2007

These shoes are made for...wearing!!!

So, we finally found some shoes for Soph. By we, I mean Momma, who found not one, not two, but FOUR pairs that fit her in one day! I had looked at Target not long ago and they had none, but I happily shelled out the dollars to obtain all these super cute shoes for the little miss. She wore a pair today, as seen above, and they did not bother her in least, which is GREAT! The one thing I just can't get over is how big they all are- 3 pairs of fours and a five. Good night, that kid has some feet on her! So finally, her little feet are shod with new kicks, and if I don't say so myself, she is looking mighty fine.


Perri said...

Good thing she wears a lot of pink.

MEAGAN said...

Those are really cute! I'd wear that first pair w/ the velcro in a heartbeat (if they weren't baby-sized, of course). Yay for Sophie!

Patricia said...

aren't those just the cutest things ever!

Tina said...

Man, she does have big feet. Owen is wearing a 5 now.

Courtney said...

Yay for soft soled shoes! Your daughter's feet will be healthier and it seems she is already happier! If you have a boy, I'm sending you a pair of Robeez. Well, they make them for girls too, but the boys' designs are just too much!