Sunday, July 29, 2007

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!

Tomorrow we find out if I am having a boy or a girl. I was convinced, and obviously mistaken, that Sophie was a boy. This time I have been pretty dang sure it is a girl, so based on my short track record we can start buying blue. I'm incredibly excited to "meet" the baby, the pregnancy has just flown by compared to my first one. I'll let you all know tomorrow, and post pictures for you to see!

Meanwhile I have been busy falling more and more in love with my Sophie. She is endlessly delightful, even when she frustrates the crap out of me, every day is still a good day. She makes me laugh constantly, and I'm not the only one that thinks she is a riot! The other day my good friend Sherie was watching Sophie for us and they went out to see the goats. (That's right, the goats. We are in the country remember.) They all checked her out from a distance, then turned in one big herd at once and started ambling towards the girls. Sherie said Sophie looked at the incoming goats, looked up at her and said "Uh oh." How funny is that? Sure it could just be me, but truthfully, I'm okay with that. She is hilarious.

On the home front, Jacob and I cleaned out the junk room today. The room is actually quite cute, but has no heat or air, making it virtually useless about ten months out of the year. Naturally, this is where all the unused baby things accumulate. We have a lot of baby things, because we tend to buy good deals now- for later. We have clothes stored up to size 6, puzzles, legos, you name it, we have it ready to go. We figured it was best to buy it when we had the money for it, rather than later when we don't. We started when I first got pregnant with Sophie, so we are about done! Now it's all organized and ready to claim, eventually. I can also get back to my filing cabinet, which is nice.

Next project... tackle the out of control Morning Glory in the back yard that is overtaking and killing EVERYTHING, including a full grown tree. I swear, you give that stuff and inch and it runs a marathon! I never go into the back yard, there is nothing back there, so I had no idea how bad it was until Jacob mentioned that he wanted to pull weeds. Red Flag. Jacob and gardening do not go together, unless it is to say that Jacob does not like gardening. Housework, yes. Laundry, yes. Dishes, yes. Mowing, yes. Babysitting, yes. Gardening, not in this lifetime. So it's a problem, to say the least. Looking forward to that little excursion like the plague.

Alright- time to try to get Sophie to bed. Pictures tomorrow!

Just a random thought... does Bobby Flay really irritate anyone else? Yeah, told you it was random.


Patricia said...


say it isn't so! bobby bugs you??? i love him!

i'm so excited for you guys to learn just who that little baby is.

and by the way, i laughed out loud at the "uh oh" and the goats so i can imagine how hilarious she really is every day.

MEAGAN said...

Ooooooh I can't wait!

And I hate that Throwdown show with Bobby Flay. He's way too cocky. I love it when he loses heh heh.