Friday, August 03, 2007


Sadly- It's hot. Really stinkin' hot. Inside my work it is 85 degrees. (Literally.) Outside it is 150 degrees. (Not so literally.) Last year I thought this year would be better- that once I had the baby my body would regulate itself back to my normal, cold natured self. Little did I know that THIS August I would be pregnant again, and still hot. Blech.

Happily/Sadly- Sophie's birthday is quickly approaching. I swing between being really okay with this and weepy beyond belief. She gets to be more fun daily though, which makes it easy to look forward to tomorrow to see what new joy she will bring.

Happily, my second job with the local abstainance mentoring program is starting up. I have recently added a third school to my schedule, and despite feeling a little overwhelmed, think it will go well. Should the anticipated 20 extra hours of work a week get to be too much, I'll drop some hours at my original job and work from home more. This should be interesting to see how self motivated I am to do all this work!

Happily- one of my best friends Jada is starting school soon (locally). I am so excited for her, as she is majoring in photography, something that she both loves and is great at. Sadly- this time of year means another of my best friends, Sam, is going BACK to school (not so locally). I'm glad that she will get to see all her other friends, and it seems like the classes she has she will enjoy very much, but it's a little weird when she is not around.

Happily- I'm getting a pedicure tomorrow as a birthday present from my SIL. I had never had one before last year, and I loved it. So this will be my second. Pretty toes, here I come!

1 comment:

Heidi Kellems said...

Gotta post a pic of those pretty toe toes. We would love to see them.