Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Long time no see

That's what you all may be thinking, but if I'm correct I distinctly remember saying that I didn't like to talk by typing. So, I've just been sitting in the background pretending not to hear that little comments made by Andi or Perri about how it's my turn to blog. Besides Andi was doing a fine job of making regular posts. But, alas, as she is out of town I feel it is my duty to address the public once again. Except I'm kinda at a loss of what to write so this will probably be a big ramble. First, the trip they made to Indy seems all it takes to make a peso decide to pass on its own. That's right, after two weeks and many many x-rays showing that Ryan's peso had not moved, Andi, Perri, and all the kids made their way up to Indianapolis to see a specialist to remove the peso. When Andi called this morning she told me that her mom and Ryan were already on their way back from the hospital because in the last x-ray they took right before they performed the procedure it showed the peso to be almost ready to pass. Can you believe it? Secondly, I miss my family. That's about it. The house is way too quiet and when I put something up it stays there without a pair of inquisitive hands reaching out to see what I just set down. They can come home at any time now. Thirdly, ...... uh...... told you I was at a loss for words today. I think I'll take this opportunity to figure how to post some pictures. Here are some pictures of Soph eating her first oreo. I think she liked it almost as much as her momma. Well maybe not that much.


VaQueenBee said...

I love the oreo pics...especially the second one! :o)

That is so crazy about Ryan! I'm glad he didn't have to have the procedure or surgery though!

Perri said...

Those are great pictures. I needed to see that happy face before bedtime. Thanks.

Heidi Kellems said...

Those pictures REALLY need to be sent to OREO with one letter of OREO per picture. That face is TOO precious for OREO not to use it in some sort of advertising.

Patricia said...

I miss my family... They can come home at any time now.

that's some awesome sweet rambling.

and now i want an oreo. thanks.