Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sophie's Big Day

Sophie had her "big" party today. It was mostly just immediate family, with some friends that are so close they might as well be. Only a few people could not make it- either because of the sickness of doom or they were moving back to school. Both good reasons! There were not a lot of people, but in our house it was a little much! We had a great time, Sophie opened all her presents with just a little drama, played with all her toys all night, ate more cake than will ever be good for her, took a big bath and generally wore herself out. I didn't have time to take any pictures, but several others did- including my momma, which you can check out here. Notice the super cute pony tail- good stuff. It almost hides the fact that she is sporting a mini-mullet.

Soph has spent more time this evening playing by herself than she ever has before. She is really digging all the new stuff, and I am too, as none of it is loud or huge. That's a good birthday party!


Tee/Tracy said...

I read on Perri's blog that her 1st birthday was coming up. A year sure has gone fast! Happy birthday to Sophie! :)

Patricia said...

you know you've just put into the heads of all who love sophie ideas of drums and musical toys and All Things Loud, right?