Friday, August 24, 2007

The Stone Faced Starlet

We (Jacob, Momma and myself) took Sophie for her first professional pictures today. We have never done this mostly for one reason, and that would be that she hardly ever smiles. I know it doesn't seem that way, we have tons of pictures of her smiling. But for every one picture of her smiling, there are about 25 that look like this one, her truly serious demeanor shining through.

The "What are you doing" face-- Very Common

Now it's not to say that I don't adore that face, but it's not exactly what I want to deck the halls with. She's just a tough cookie. She is inquisitive and a thinker, and her face shows it. She is also not ticklish. If you touch her to tickle her, she grabs your hand and stares at it like "what in the world do you think you are doing?". But I thought for her one year pictures, surly Sophie needed a chance to shine.

Shine is not quite what she did. More like.... muddled through. While we got a few cute ones, there was not that was the "oh- my- goodness- that- is- the- cutest- thing- ever- I -need- 250- of- them" sort of pictures. But at least I got off my slacker butt and got it done. So here's to some good enough pictures- glad I don't have to do it again anytime soon.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

i think she just doesn't want to contribute to the whole issue of demeaning women as eye candy thing.

at least you already have so many other beautiful pics!