Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Goodbye Brown

This morning, what little brown had been in my hair from Box #2 disapeared down the shower drain. It is back to flaming red. (sigh)

You can see a picture here.


Tee/Tracy said...

I have been there - BELIEVE ME! I have dyed my hair so many shades that I hated. It's amazing how much self esteem is wrapped up in hair. I wish it weren't that way.

I looked at the picture. I don't think it looks bad. I had my hair that same shade many, many years ago.

I finally got sick of dying and decided to grow out my natural color. It took forever but now, finally, it's completely all natural... and then you know what?

I found a gray hair the other day. :p

JamieLynn said...

Andi, it's not bad!! I like it! Very spunky, just like you.

And, just so you know, I'm now stalking your blog to see your news!

Patricia said...

uhmmm while i really do love posts about stuff like hair ('cause it's important!) this does not seem to be the news that is going to change your life forever.

your mom's a great big tease :P

however, about the hair. i really like it. it's totally different! and why not?! i think you should experiment with "product" and see what a little mousse or gel will do. have fun, i mean it's only hair, right? :)

sarah said...

Embrace the red; it's fun. I had my hair colored copper red a couple of different times. I thought it was fun. It will grow out eventually.