Monday, September 17, 2007

Visine for Hair

I need something to get the red out. On a whim I picked up a box of hair color. Well, not really on a whim, two friends of mine have dyed their hair fabulous fall colors and I was feeling a little behind the times. So I grabbed a box of dark auburn hair dye and went to town on my noggin the other day.

Somehow on my hair dark auburn translates into vivid copper. The color was pretty. I liked it, sort of. It would have looked fantastic on someone with very pale skin, green eyes and freckles. But since my face just screams "I HAVE A GERMAN HERITAGE", the "Irish Eyes are Smiling" hair was a little unsettling. It was nowhere near the color of my eyebrows, and so it looked really a little funky. I should have taken a picture. I thought about keeping it, but after a few days of not being sure if I liked it or not- I figured that if I hadn't decided by then it was time to go. So...

Onto box #2- the "fix-it" box. Brown, brown, brown as brown can be. Back to my regular old brown. So I slathered it on, waited the obligatory 25 minutes and washed it out to find.... red. A darker red. A red much closer to my eyebrow color red, but still red. I'm at a loss. This one is at least something I think I can live with, but I'm finding myself missing my plain Jane, mousy brown. You know what they say, the grass is always greener (or in my case, redder) on the other side of the fence.

PS- How 'bout them Colts?


Patricia said...

my hair goes toward red everytime i color it, too. and then as the color fades, it goes to downright orange. i hate it. and then i found (i totally sound like a commercial) colormatch. not only is penelope cruz the beautiful spokesperson and could sell ice to an eskimo, the stuff actually works.

my hair tends to take the color darker than the color guides suggest so i use dark ash blonde and still get a fairly brown color. after a couple of weeks it relaxes down to somewhere near my own color but it never turns that brassy reddish color.

and so ends my commercial.

i'm not happy about the "forgot to take a picture", girlfriend. tsk tsk.

Anonymous said...

as you know I'm never satisfied with what color is on the box, so I
mix 2 or 3 together and just enjoy whatever color it turns out. I love the brassy, copper color cause it was Mother's hair color when she was young (which was beautiful). To me any color is better than the mousy brown I grew up with and hated. When I waitressed I had green, blue, red
or any other color that would make me noticed and would get me bigger tips. love Granny Gayle