Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Home Again

Sophie is still croupy. Or is it croupish? Or just she still has croup? I don't know, but it is what it is. We have been staying with mom the last few nights so that Sophie could use Wes-Man's nebulizer and I could sleep in mom's luxurious bed of gloriousness and wonder. She has a memory foam mattress... something everyone should dream of having one day, as I do. It's like a pregnant woman's cloud 9. I don't wake up because half of my body has gone to sleep. I don't have to roll over to get comfortable 15 times a night. I don't have to have 5 squashy pillows surrounding me to support my back, belly, legs, neck, cankles, big toe etc... It will suffice to say, it's NICE. But I digress. We are back at home tonight. Sophie seems to be doing a bit better, and nice as the bed it- the bed is not at my home, which is where I like to be.

At home I can drool on my pillow and not freak out because it isn't mine.
At home I can walk from the shower to the bed naked if I want to.
At home I can laze around the house with no bra on.
At home I can ogle watch Jacob while he does his push ups in the morning.
Home is nice. Home would be nicer with a memory foam mattress, but hey, I'll take what I can get.

But I'm still going to Mom's once a week to spend the night. We have fun together. We lay in bed and giggle. We stay up and make cinnamon toast. We finish little projects that we both inevitably have going. Plus she get's to see all the cuteness Sophie has at bedtime, and I get a break. So Momma- keep the extra pillow out. I'm coming back soon!


Patricia said...

so very, very sweet.

i hope sophie feels better soon :(

Perri said...

Mine is a TempurPedic mattress if you decide you are getting your own.
I don't know if they make just toppers or not.


PS. The kids want a baby picture on Keegan's name tag

Jodi said...

You are so very lucky to have such a wonderful Momma who lives so close.

I am glad Sophie is feeling better.

VaQueenBee said...

Andi -- You and your Mom are so blessed to have such a close relationship! I pray that you and Sophie have the same kind of relationship together one day!