Wednesday, September 05, 2007

If you love Mike Rowe

as Patricia and I do, then you have to check out this link she had on her blog. I swear, I laughed like an idiot at the first video of him at one of his old jobs: a salesman for QVC. Do yourself a favor and watch the whole cat bag one... towards the end it is just priceless.


Patricia said...

yay, you're spreading the rowe love!

yeah, the cat bag video cracked me up, too. it's amazing he ever sold anything with the way he mocked all the products! but then, i'm sure he had a following, even back then, of people lining up to buy whatever he was selling. one look, one listen of that voice, sold!

Perri said...

I like the Precious Moments best. Cindy Lou Who?

Ruth said...

OMG!!!!! I haven't watched them all yet, but was laughing my bootie off over the cat bag.

Tina said...

I love Mike Rowe...he's awesome!