Thursday, September 06, 2007

Remember way back when...

When I was working on my "100 things about me list" that I was tagged with? Yeah- I never finished it. I've been hiding from it. In fact- I'm not going to finish, I'm just going to do a list because I want to. Yeah. No guilt whatsoever.

1. I don't do the laundry.

2. I wear size 11 shoes.

3. I wanted to be a history teacher when I was in high school.

4. I once tore my fallopian tube high jumping. It really, really hurt. I mean it was perhaps the most exquisite pain I have ever been in.

5. I don't like to wear socks or shoes.

6. I shave my toes out of necessity. Really, I think you all should thank me for doing it!
(I have a hairy family, what can I say?)

7. I don't know that I have ever really liked my hair, but I'm too dang lazy to do anything about it. I want cute hair, but it's just a lot of effort for something that just gets slept on.

8. I am not flexible at all. Not even a little. Not double jointed either like Sam, who can practically turn her elbow into a right angle- backwards. (Shudder.)

9. I could eat pizza every day. That's not just a pregnant thing. I just essentially have the favorite food of a third grader.

10. I like to sing. I like to sing loudly. You like me to sing nowhere around where you are... trust me.

11. I was (okay, and still am) ridiculously clumsy. I have broken a lot of bones and cartilage just out of clumsiness or sheer stupidity.

12. I like daisies.

13. Being outside on a pretty day is one of the best things about life. That and hot tea on the porch on a cool evening.

14. I don't like, no wait... I DESPISE hay rides. Loathe them entirely.

15. The Colts just won their first game of the season, and that makes me smile.


Jodi said...

I wish I could add "don't do laundry" to my list but then we would be buried under mountains of it.

And #10, yup that would be me too. LOL

Patricia said...

i do only my own laundry. i don't even want all those dirty disgusting clothes in with mine!

tore your tubes. OUCH.

i love pizza, too, and i haven't had it in ages. i think i'll do something about that soon.

hot tea on a cool evening. i love autumn and can't wait for those nights!!

Patricia said...


i love your HELLO stickers, i meant to tell you that yesterday :)

MEAGAN said...

I didn't even know it was possible to tear your fallopian tubes. And I also have to shave my toes. And the winning Colts game makes me smile too!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was so much the tearing of your fallopian tube that hurt - it was the resulting cyst that formed overnight resulting in the emergency surgery!


Jada said...

this list goes to show how much we have in common: daises are my favorite, i like to sing, i could eat pizza everyday, and tea on a cool evening is quite possible the best thing ever. Oh and i heart the Colts forever....I would totally be their groupie.....if they had them.