Saturday, September 01, 2007

This and That

Just in the last few weeks I have had several commenter's that I have never "met" before. Just to name a few, there is... Sarah, who is a web developer, something I always wanted to learn to do; Tonya, who bought and loves the magic bullet (now I really need one, thanks); Courtney, a devout Catholic who does before and after pics of house projects; Jessica, a lovely young lady whom I am sorry to say I lost the link for; and JamieLynn, who is just pregnant (congratulations- the weepiness will end eventually and life really does get fun and normal again.) Any other lurkers care to come out of the closet? I've enjoyed reading up on you all and would love to know more about you!

We spent today with our very good friends Cathy and Eric. We went on a picnic to the park that Jacob and I got married, played at a nearby playground and spent the evening at their house laughing like idiots and talking about whatever we dang well pleased. They are wonderful friends and Jacob and I always have the best time with them. They have three kids that we all adore, and they flat wore her out! Cathy also watched Sophie for a while today so that Eric, Jacob and I could go work at Sherie's shop today... thanks!

I must have been negligent so far in posting pictures of my progressive portliness (say THAT 10 times fast). So for all you who have just been waiting on tenterhooks to see my big ol' prego belly- here you go, pregnancy stance and all. (Please note: those are my work clothes, not my "real" clothes.).

So far I have not had the weight gain issues I had with Sophie (obviously). Being pregnant with Keegan has been much different than with Sophie, so it makes me wonder what this little guy will be like!

Tomorrow Jacob is having a MAN DAY where the friends from Many Men Anonymous are coming over to share their favorite pastime... video games. At least I know they won't end up eaten by bears.

That's all I got today. Have a good night!


Courtney said...

Andi, you look great! I can't believe how the time is flying by!

sarah said...

Hello again. Great photo. I've noticed in other photos that you have a red room. Do you like it? What red is it? What did you paint the trim and ceiling? Is it too dark?

If our theater room is ever finished, I plan to paint it red. But I'm starting to get cold feet. I painted some sample squares yesterday, and I just can't decide which is right or if it's too dark. How did you decide?

Patricia said...

you look beautifully happy, thanks for the pic. :)

JamieLynn said...

You look adorable!! I can't wait to get a belly!

p.s. thanks for the shoutout! we've met before though silly girl. I went to southside baptist and used to babysit the whitleys/connors. You, Brit and me went to a movie one time during a tornado warning with a pit stop at a pizza place in newburgh. I have pictures. hee hee