Monday, September 10, 2007

The Tradeoff

So I'm not so sure that Sophie had 5ths disease anymore. I woke up with the same rash on my face and I really doubt that I have it. I think the other day while we were pulling weeds (she's a good helper) we must have gotten into something we were allergic to. Just in case at my OB appointment today I got the blood test for immunity done, results in by Friday. So maybe no rash... groovy.

Unfortunately she seem to have traded it for a croupy sort of cough. One of Tina's boys has some seriously bad croup right now and could use your prayers. Sophie's is nowhere near that bad. It is, however, her first cough of any kind, really. Sometimes my new momness just seeps out, my lack of knowledge of what to do just overwhelms me. So I called the doctor and just told him "hey, I have no idea what to do if this gets ugly".

I think I have mentioned before that I love my doctor, he is so cool. He just told me what to do and called in some steroids 20 minutes before the pharmacy closed. So I'm hanging out at Momma Bears tonight, just in case. I have no desire to try to figure out what to do on my own, much safer to hang out at the woman's house who has an asthmatic kid. She's panic proof. Me... not so much.


Jodi said...

Panic Proof! LOL

I hope whatever the rash and the cough are they heal up quickly. (((Hugs and Prayers))) to you both.

Patricia said...

i hope sophie's cough is better!

VaQueenBee said...

I hope she's feeling better today!

Tee/Tracy said...

Thank your luck stars for a doctor like that! They're hard to find. Mine makes us come in for everything and refuses to call anything into the pharmacy >:(