Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween From Sophie the Cow

Sophie the Cow is currently roaming around my mom's kitchen. According to her, the cow says "Abooooo". Still appropriate for the occasion I suppose. I'm thinking, and I may be a little biased here, that she is the cutest dang cow I have ever seen in my entire life.

I also bought a ladybug costume for her (both at consignment shops, $7.00 total!!). She looked adorable in the ladybug one, but also could wiggle it up over her face and just walked around with her arms stuck straight up in the air, unable to see. Though this was incredibly amusing we decided this probably wasn't the best way for her to spend the day. She looked more like a pinball than a ladybug.

Tonight we will go around to a few houses in the neighborhood and go to church. I'll be going as the cow's momma. If it was warmer and I wanted to have people gouge their eyes out I would go as a pumpkin with my belly all painted. Luckily for all you local readers I value your eyesight and my dignity so the belly will be sans paint and covered.

Happy Halloween!


Heidi Kellems said...

Okay I am cracking myself up here. I apparently am half asleep but when I clicked on bloglines I went to your mom's blog. She had a link to yours to see Sophie's costume. I clicked it to see the pictures but mentally was thinking I am still at your mom's blog. So when I read the part about being the momma cow or the pumpkin I just imagined your mom being dressed up as either of those and i laughed hysterically. Just had to share. Time to get another nap :)

VaQueenBee said...

Sophie's soooo cute! I like her cow sound too...very appropriate for the occasion!

JamieLynn said...

She is adorable, and I love the "aboooo" sound! What a cutiepie!

Patricia said...

what a cutie cow!! and a bargain, too. bonus.

dang your dignity, i'd love to see keegan the pumpkin. have fun tonight!!

Mary said...

Cute costume and beautiful little girl.