Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Jacob Humor

Warning: I will be discussing underwear in this post. Should you feel like that is too much information for you, please read no further. You have been warned.

Jacob has a funny sense of humor. Lot's of people don't expect this of him as he is normally very reserved around those he doesn't know well. But I just wanted to share this bit of quirkiness.

I called to have him bring me some clothes so that I wouldn't have to wear the same thing the whole time I was here. He brought me comfy pajamas bottoms, big over sized tops, sports bras and... black, lacy thong underwear. Just what a girl on bed rest needs.

I can just imagine him going through my drawer, pulling those out, laughing hysterically and shoving them in the bag. After some digging, I found the rest of my normal, everyday underwear at the bottom. But the thong- right on top. I pulled them out and held them up and I swear his smile could have generated energy for LA for a week. Needless to say- the thong is now at the bottom of the bag.


Staci said...


Patricia said...

heh, what a goof. men are so mature, eh? :)

Jodi said...

You should have told him he accidentally put HIS unders in your bag! ;)

Jodi said...
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Ruth said...

hee, hee, hee, ha, ha, ha...I can't stop giggling...Totally imagining Chris doing the same thing, thinking this is the funniest thing ever