Friday, October 12, 2007

Keegan Update

I had my doctor's appointment today and things are looking much better. Much less dilated now- down to .5 cm. I am allowed to get up and about but have to call right away with any more cramping and such. He also said that when this happens to women and they have a negative fibronectin test (which I did) there is a very good chance of carrying the baby to full term! So- things are looking good right now. I have to go back next Thursday for another check up, we'll see how things are then.

Just a side note- between last month and this month I gained TEN pounds. It's not as bad as it seems, as that puts my total weight gain at 10 pounds- but still, gaining that much in a month kind of grosses me out. No wonder I have heartburn all the time.


MEAGAN said...

I'm glad all is well!

Jodi said...

Yea! I am glad things are going well.

I gained like that with Cassie and the doctor kept freaking out and even threatened to send me to a dietician. I only gained 29 lbs total though so I wasn't worried. :)

The Snipes said...

I'm glad all is well!! I was thinking of you. And ten pounds isn't much girl!!!

Patricia said...

wow, all these months and you hadn't gained a pound?

i'm glad keegan is staying put. and that you don't have to!