Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Negligent Blogger

So it seems that I have been negligent in the area of medical updates. This is probably due to the fact that I would rather talk about something else, but then I realized that this was probably not something I should just leave up in the air.

Warning: Detailed Girl Stuff Ahead.

As of right now, I am on two medications. I take Procardia, a high blood pressure pill, daily to increase blood flow to the uterus, thereby warding off contractions. I also take Terbutaline (a drug originally for asthma with a convenient side effect of stopping contractions) when I start having cramps. I've only had to take this one once, so I'm not sure how well it works or if it is even warranted in my case. The idea behind the second pill is that if I take it and the cramps stop- it is a real contraction. If I take it and nothing happens, it is just pressure. The doctor said that Keegan is so low that he is causing all sorts of muscles in my cervix and pelvic floor to spasm- thus the cramping sensation. He said it would be very difficult to tell these apart from a real contraction, so every time I have these cramps I have to call the doctor, which usually results in a trip to the office or to triage. Every time I go, I go feeling like things are okay and that I am just wasting their time and mine. But then, I thought that the first time and things were NOT fine--- it just goes to show you exactly how much I know. Not a dang thing.

The thing about going to the doctor about all of this is that I don't know enough to even know what to ask. So then I try to look things up and come up with stuff like this:

Early dilatation, although something to monitor, is not always an indication of preterm labor. The external opening to the cervix may open slightly, especially in women who have had previous births. It is important to observe for other changes as well, such as thinning of the cervix (shortening) and whether or not the internal os (opening) is dilating as well.

Super. But how do I know if my cervix is shortened? Something to ask next time. Or I get a lot of results with (please imagine heavy sarcasm here) obviously professional answers written like this:

I'm gonna tell u my storie...ur not gonna belive what happened 2 me.

Let's just suffice to say that I am skipping their medical advice.

And occasionally I come up with a horribly sad story about how things went wrong. I don't read those.

Other than that- the doctor seems quite confident that I will deliver the baby very close to term. He said that at the earliest I he would expect at least another month. I may just be grasping at straws here, but I'm clinging to at the earliest as my new motto. I'm feeling pretty good about it. I don't spend a lot of time worrying about the possibility of him coming early. That might sound bad, but really it's probably just a self-defense mechanism. I'm okay with that. But even with that, I feel pretty stinkin' confident that all will be well. The glass is half full here people.


Fatcat said...

I remember feeling that peace and confidence when I was pregnant with my youngest. I had placenta previa and quite a few complications with it, but we made it through all the way to 9 months, unexpectedly, and he's 9 years old now.

Patricia said...

i continue to pray every single day that the glass remains very, very full. i wish for you peace and confidence and contentment. me, i like the details, you know that. thanks for the update.

JamieLynn said...

I'm glad you are doing so well and have such a great disposition! He will come when God thinks it's a good time for him to come! ((hugs)) and I stay away from a lot of online stories too!

p.s. the tums worked wonders!

FENICLE said...

you have a good outlook concentrating on the positive. i'm sure all will go well and you seem very prepared!

prayers keep coming your way!!

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Praying for you! I had the best results with the procardia of all the drugs I took. You should request an ultrasound to check for shortening cervix at your next appt just to be safe. Sounds like things are going well though and do keep up the positive thoughts. I'm here for you if I can do anything!