Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Upside to Bedrest and a Supportive Husband

Remember when I put the call out for cookies? Well my friend Meagan did one better. She brought over what have the be the best flippin' cupcakes I have ever consumed in my entire life. All 24 years of it. The. Best. Ever. Period. Go to her blog now and make these at once. Your soul with thank you, your hips... not so much. Jacob had to pretty much forcibly stop me from eating all of them. He was muttering something about gestational diabetes, but I was in a chocolate induced frenzy and not much was getting through. Chocolate does that to me sometimes, I'm sure some of you understand. I swear-those cupcakes made bed rest seem like the greatest thing ever. In fact, I would suggest you ALL go on bed rest and request cupcakes from Meg. That sounds like a good name for a bakery- Cupcakes from Meg (hint, hint).

The Supportive Husband part rolls into the picture as he takes his bed rest very seriously. In fact- he is bed resting right now with a pillow over his face to block out the light. I would take a picture but my camera is still packed up from our trip this weekend. I haven't been able to be home, much less unpack things, so of course it is still in the basket. This is my first night home in almost a week so you would think we would be lovey or snuggly but for the most part that's just not our style. So I'm going to take advantage of his support by getting in my giant, claw foot tub and taking a long overdue bath. With a book. And I'm leaving the baby monitor next to his big, supportive head. It's good to be home.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

oh my, those do look yummy!

cupcakes, a nice bath, and home. it sounds wonderful.