Saturday, October 20, 2007

We know Drama

So our life this weekend so far has been... eventful.

Jacob left for the men's retreat at church, so of course that would be the time that Sophie had her first trip to the ER. You can read all about that here. I'm really to tired to tell it again and my version is just the same, from a slightly more hysterical point of view. I tried to stay calm, but frankly it was downright scary and I don't deal well with fear. Let's just say that Sophie and I had lots of quiet prayers last night. Sophie slept fitfully, so I slept fitfully. I could have gone and slept well in bed, but I was closer to her on the couch and close was where I wanted to be.

This morning Sophie woke up early, but thankfully Mom volunteered to watch her for a while so I could go get some sleep. I woke up 2.5 hours later and Jacob was already home. Very suspicious. Then I took a look at his ankle that was all propped up. Very ugly. So that's right folks, trip #2 to the ER for a football injury. The doctor seemed quite sure it would be broken- luckily it was not. But he still can not really walk on it so we have pulled out the trusty crutches once again. He's vegged on on the recliner with his foot elevated, iced, wrapped and lorotabbed. Sophie is wavering between sobbing uncontrollably and just plain perkiness and I am counting the gray hairs that have sprouted in the last 24 hours.

Many thanks to Momma and Jada for all their help last night. Heidi- I'm sorry my kid always gets sick at your house.

Here is a shot of the invalids hanging out together- just for some pity points.


Heidi Kellems said...

Let me know if you need Jess to help you out.

She was only teething last time not sick. I hope she gets over it quickly. I love your baby girl.

FENICLE said...

Dude - you three really know how to have a weekend!!!

Patricia said...

oh my gosh, what a stressful time! i hope both patients are feeling much better. if not, try more ham.