Sunday, October 28, 2007

Yet another napless day.

But at least today she was in a good mood all day. I was surprised since there was ZERO nap today. Not even a little nod off on the couch. Not even a head bob. Nada. However- today this is reflected in her bedtime, as it is 7:00 and she is out. O.U.T. out. I am not crazy about this since it means I will probably be up way early.

I really dig the whole nap with later bedtime thing. Having to be home for bedtime by 7 or 8 is going to seriously take some adjusting, and frankly, I just don't wanna. How's that for selfish?

As it stands now- I'm going to go take a long, length bubble bath with no interruptions, though thanks to this post by Tee- I'm not sure if I will enjoy it or not. Thanks Tee!

But before I go- did ya see them Colts today? I'm telling you- that's some good stuff right there. I'm pushing for the big game day (Colts VS. Patriots) party next week at Meagan and Mike's house, which now officially does NOT look like a college dorm. Very grown up indeed. Soph and I went over there for a while and she loved on Mike and the dog, Scout. Sophie is all about Mike... still a little unsure about the dog. Mike- if you read this, Sophie totally thinks you are her boyfriend. Watch out, Meg!


Patricia said...

just be thankful you don't root for the lions :(

MEAGAN said...

Haha, I think Mike is pretty smitten with her too.