Sunday, November 04, 2007

My good friend Meg...

wrote the most insightful post today. Check it out here. I have nothing to add to it, it sums everything up perfectly.

She also very graciously, and without being asked, watched my little monkey today during the game. I was sacked out on the couch, bed resting, and Jacob, as he tends to do, was totally absorbed in the game. This left me to watch Sophie tear around like a banshee and fret because I couldn't really do a dang thing about it. Jada and Meagan both took pity on me and helped wrangle her. Thanks so much girls! I promise in a few years I will be able to return the favor!

In other news- I had an almost contraction free day! I am really trying hard to take it easy so that I don't have to take the terbutaline, which pretty much makes me feel like I was just hit by a train. I hate that medicine, though I certainly will take it if I NEED to. I'm trying really hard to not need to. If I do have to take it, I am useless the next 4 hours or so.

I had to go back to the hospital yet again yesterday because I took the dang pill and it didn't stop the contractions. Everything checked out okay, things settled down, and there was at least a benefit- another fibronectin test. Negative. This means that I probably won't go into labor for at least 2 more weeks! I was thrilled to hear this- not only for the obvious reason but also because it means I don't have to keep running back to the hospital to get things looked at. My theory is that I can be uncomfortable at home just as well as I can be at the hospital. So no more trips to the hospital unless things are really screwy. What a relief!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

awww i thought about you when i saw the colts yesterday. love meg's post :)

and i'm thrilled for you that it's looking like you have a couple more weeks. minute by minute, they all add up to keeping that little adventurous keegan of yours where he belongs for a little while longer.