Saturday, November 24, 2007

Round two

This is Jacob and I just wanted to stop in and remind you all about Andi's battle with the tree topper from last year. You remember, the sad little star that wouldn't sit up straight and which Andi vowed to replace before Christmas and the same star that when Christmas was over we removed from the top of the tree and placed back in the storage box. Well today we put out our Christmas decorations and low and behold look who made an appearance....

That's right folks, it's back and once again and as before Andi has vowed to replace it yet again. So, I hope you'll all join me in wishing her luck and giving her some words of encouragement so that she can persevere in round two and find a suitable replacement. As for me, I'll just sit back and enjoy our crooked topper and the wacky (said lovingly) woman trying to replace it. Oh, and for all you wondering, no baby yet.


VaQueenBee said...

Hey, I actually like the star. BTW, in 16 married Christmas' I've never been satisfied with our tree topper. How's that for encouragement? LOL

Patricia said...

i dunno, there's a lot to be said for the traditions of sad little crooked stars. after a while, they become so endearing they're sweeter than something brand new.

FENICLE said...

Your mom is crafty Andi. See if she can adhere it to something that holds it straight.

I bought a new red tin star this year and it still isn't straight.

Straight is overrated!

Jodi said...

We have a leaning angel on our tree top. But if you lean when you are looking at it then it looks straight. ;)

Tee/Tracy said...

So hard to find a good tree topper. We have a similar one but it's silver. I left it in the box of ornaments this year and just tied a big red bow on top. LOL.