Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sophie Says...

I wanted to make sure I had all the words she can say down- she's learning so fast now!

Sophie can say: Momma, Dada, Mom, Mamaw, Jacob, get her, kitty, moo, boo, thank you, no, yuck, book, Bobo (her monkey), hello, more, arf (like a dog), oh, hi, hot, night night, baby and ouch.

She can sign: eat, drink, more, stinky, hot, kitty, airplane, please, night night and ouch.

She also will tell us if she is tired, she signs night night, says night night and goes to the fridge to wait for her milk. That is really nice!! Every day she gets a little easier to figure out which makes Keegan's arrival a lot less daunting.


Patricia said...

she's a lucky girl. i say nigh nigh and no one brings me any milk or anything.

maybe she could do a video show-and-literally-tell of her vocabulary one day so we can hear her voice.

Christine, Jason and Baby said...

So does the fact that she is going to the fridge for milk mean that she is at least tolerating milk better or does she really like milk now? Just curious.