Tuesday, December 04, 2007

And the day is...

Sunday. This Sunday. I will have another baby this Sunday, if not before. I asked my doctor today what we could do to work around Jacob's travel next week for his new job. You know it would just be the day that he is three hours away that my water would break! So my doctor, after saying that he wasn't even sure what was holding this kid in, decided to induce me on Sunday. He will be born at 37 weeks, a full term baby. Praise God and can you believe it?! After being told for two months that we wouldn't make it this far, here we are. God is so good. (PS- I know that he has inherited his father's stubbornness, THAT is what is holding him in!) He said the my --- CAUTION, GIRL STUFF AHEAD--- cervix is so thinned out that he can't believe I have not gone into labor already, and that all he will do is break my water. He's coming in to do that around 7 and he thinks I'll be done by early afternoon. Not to shabby. ---GIRL STUFF OVER--- Jacob and I are very excited to say the least. I can't wait to meet this little booger!


Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

YAY!! So exciting! Congrats on making it so far, God truly is good indeed! Can't wait to "meet" little Keegan!

Heidi Kellems said...

Like I told your momma we are on standby. Call us as need be.

Patricia said...

congratulations, andi. that must've been one heck of a cheesecake.