Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Self Sufficient Sophie and The Little Yellow Man

Poor Sophie has been such a trooper. She just loves all over Keegan and has not even once been anything but great with him. She has started to play by herself more and more which has so far culminated the other day when she was almost done eating the other day and gave herself "airplane bites"... just like mom and dad do.

My poor little man is having such a hard time. He is so sleepy from being so jaundiced that he just won't wake up to eat. He has a bili-blanket on now to start reducing his bili levels, but until then nursing is just about out. Thankfully I am currently producing enough milk so this isn't a problem- it's just not how I wanted things to go. Finger feeding isn't working either- he takes too long ( at least 1.5 hours for 2 ounces) to do and burns more calories than he is taking in. I called the lactation office at the hospital and they said we had to try bottle. The only way he will wake up is to eat and I can't get him to wake up to eat. This is incredibly frustrating and upsetting and hard for my emotional train wreck self to deal with. Not to mention that Sophie has a fit every time she spies his bottle. It's hard for her to understand that she can't have it but he can, she just cries and signs "please drink, please drink, please drink". But, hopefully this will only be a few days and then we'll get back to they ways things should be! I can't wait until my little guy is back to feeling good.

Since Keegan has to be up so frequently in the night and I have to work so hard to get him to wake up (literally- it can take an hour to get him to stir), I have been staying with Momma and she has been helping out A LOT. I'm sure it's not been a lot of fun for her since I spend a stupid amount of the day crying for no reason. (Did I mention that I love hormones?)But I am incredibly grateful for the help and support she provides. The kids have been great too, helping with Sophie and fetching things for me when my hands are full of baby and breast pump and bili blanket and rags etc...

I've been trying to keep up with everyone- but am pretty much officially in lurker mode right now. But I'm there, I promise!


Courtney said...

I hope things start to improve soon, Andi! I saw the pictures of Keegan in his bili-blanket at your moom's blog. So sad and precious all at once! Are you pumping? I bet you could get a good freezer stash started. Never know when it might come in handy! I've also heard even sitting with the baby in a sunny window can help with jaundice. We're praying for you!

Christine, Jason and Baby said...

Awww Andi! I am praying for you. I remember when Rachael (Laresa's daughter) was born jaundice. She had to sleep in a nice little light box. It was very sad, but it helped a lot! I am sorry Keegan isn't waking to nurse. I be that is really frustrating. Good thing Sophie is such a big girl. :) Praying for you and your family all the time!

Jodi said...

Those hormones get me every time. I am saying lots of prayers that Keegan feels better soon and he starts nursing regularly. (((HUGS))) to you.