Friday, January 04, 2008

I don't heart Huckabee

For those of you that know me in "real life", you know that I am a rabid follower of politics. I am a dyed in the wool conservative and I know many of my readers are as well. I've been trying to "quit" politics because I get so riled up, but frankly it's an impossible task for me. Let me tell you what has my blood pressure raised today... Mike Huckabee winning the Iowa Caucus.

I'm going to try not to use my blog as a soapbox but all the same I urge you, (okay I beg you) that if you are a conservative voter to check out the facts on this man before you vote for him. I promise you that he is not a conservative, and many of his so called big plans, namely the dissolution of the IRS and implementation of the Fair Tax Law, are literally not possible for him to enact once in office. (Email me if you want more info on this.) Don't get sucked into the Huckahype, this is not a man you want in office. Don't you think it's odd that the press loves him so? The media would LOVE it if he won the primary, then we would basically have two democrats to vote for.

For those of you that DO heart Huckabee, I would love to know why. Please convince me that this man has some good merits, because the thought of the Evangelical right voting for this man just because he was a minister turns my stomach.

To those of you that I may have just mortally offended- sorry. For those of you that are currently undecided on who to vote for-- vote for Fred Thompson.

And though I don't like Huckabee, I'd take him over McCain any day.


5KidMom said...

I'm sorry, my friend. I don't heart Huckabee either; but then again, you already knew that. 8^) I truly hope that a good, solid, conservative Republican is chosen to run against the Democratic candidate. It seems only right!!!

Now, go take a whiff of sweet new baby smell, and relax a little. OK?!?!

VaQueenBee said...

No offense taken, everyone has a right to their own opinion. I, however, do heart Huckabee. :o) First of all, I could not in good conscience vote for someone who is that narrows it down. I would never vote for someone because he was a minister, and I don't know of anyone else who would either (although I'm sure there are a few out there). I was excited about Fred at the beginning, but he didn't impress me at all in any of the debates I saw him in. Then I started listening to Huckabee and reading about his views on issues and I liked him. I'm in favor of the Fair Tax Law, and although I don't have the information you spoke of regarding this, it will never be implemented unless a president is in office who supports it. I appreciate the fact that Huckabee has not spent the huge amounts of money in his campaign that other candidates have, yet he is leading the Republican pack right now. I don't claim he's perfect, but I do think he has the best chance of being elected President out of the Republican candidates.

Patricia said...

i'm with you for the first part. i don't heart huckabee either. and i love the word huckahype. heh.

Anonymous said...

I don't heart Huckabee, either. I just don't understand that enthusiasm for him, especially from the homeschool front. He was endorsed by the NH NEA....that should scare any homeschooler! From what I've seen, he's not conservative on any front, except that he's pro-life. And don't get me started on his stance on illegal immigration. I've heard some interviewers question the charge that he's not a true conservative. He doesn't actually point out why he thinks he is a conservative, all he says is that of course he is one. No, Huckabee doesn't have me fooled. I also resent the implication that because I'm a Christian, I have to support him. I'll support a real conservative, thank you very much.

Fred Thompson needs to get that "fire in his belly," so more people will listen to his conservative message.

I'm afraid I'll be voting "against Hillary" in the next election, rather than for a truly worthy candidate :-(

Gwen (Perri's friend)

VaQueenBee said...
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VaQueenBee said...

I found this cool website called "Pick Your Candidate."

It asks 15 questions and then tries to match you with your best choice for President. Pretty cool!