Thursday, January 03, 2008

And in the spirit of things...

Here is a random list about Sophie.

1. If your pants have a drawstring, Sophie will put the knot of the string in her ear. I have no idea why, she just does.

2. If you ask her what your name is, she says "Bowwaaahhh" in a really high pitch voice and stomps her right foot. Every time. I have no idea why she does this either. She just does.

3. Sophie snores. Loudly.

4. If she wants to kiss Keegan, she will make a fish face, clap twice and hold up her hands for you to give him to her. You have to hand him over quickly, she doesn't have a lot of patience.

5. Sophie loves to learn new animals sounds, new body parts and we are learning to count. She says "oh, eww, oh, or, ive" and randomly points at her fingers. It's a work in progress.

6. Sophie assigns certain dance moves to certain songs, and will only do those moves during the assigned song. Example: For "If all the raindrops" she spins in a circle then sways. For "Lord's Army" she shakes her arms up and down violently, etc...

7. She sleeps really late. The past week she has slept past 10 almost every day. I love this since it gives me a chance to sleep a little longer, as little man sleeps the best from about 5 a.m. on.

8. Sophie is a spit bubble blowing master. I have never seen anyone that can make spit bubbles as large and frequently as she does. It's kind of awe inspiring, in a gross sort of way.

9. She is obsessed with belly buttons. The first thing she does almost every morning is lift her shirt to show me hers and them pat her belly to tell me she wants to see mine. She's pushy about it too, and it doesn't matter if she knows you or not, chances are if you stick around long enough, she'll insist on seeing your belly button.

10. Sophie says her K sounds with a hard, German, K. So book becomes"Booookkkkkkkk". (Imagine radio static, that's what the K sounds like.)


FENICLE said...

I love it! But I'm jealous that she sleeps so late!!

Patricia said...

woo hoo, sophie has started her lists! i LOVE this post. all the wonderfully quirky little things that you see everyday.

oh i hope there's more to come!

VaQueenBee said...

This is my favorite random post by far! LOL

Beth was into belly buttons too at that age. So much so, that my MIL bought her an expensive doll from one of the magazine ads and the little girl is holding up her shirt and pointing to her belly button. Funny!