Thursday, January 03, 2008

A totally random tag from...


Link to the person that tagged you-- done

Post the rules on your blog-- fine

Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog-- all right

Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. -- I'm a rule breaker here... Do this if you want, let me know if you do.

Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. -- Again, totally guilty.

Seven Random Facts about Andi:

1. I can't stand having my face touched. By anyone. Period. If I touch my face I immediately have to wash it.

2. I also wash my hands a lot. I'm not germaphobic, I just like to be clean. This makes my skin very dry one my hands, which probably leads to my love of...

3. Gold Bond Medicated Lotion. Extra Strength, in the green bottle. This is probably my most expensive habit, weighing in at a hefty $7.00 a bottle.

4. I tend to touch people when I talk to them. I'm not sure why I do this, I'm sure it drives people crazy. I just can't help it.

5. I LOVE Snickers Bars. I have no self control about them either. If there is a King Size Snickers Bar in the check out line, be assured it is going home with me. Or at least to my car, where I will eat it at once.

6. I can not watch scary movies, the previews for scary movies or even listen to the music of a scary movie/scary movie preview from a conjoining room. I will have nightmares and quite possibly pee the bed. I'm not even ashamed to tell you that, it's just how it is. I'm a world class wuss when it comes to being scared. (Roller coasters are different. I love those.)

7. Jacob is very supportive in helping me avoid all things scary. I think he has had to help change the sheets at 3 a.m. one too many times.

There you have it. The totally random, somewhat embarrassing, possibly too much information Tag. Let me know if you do one, I'm all about random information.

I'll even add an 8th one... I love it when I blog and hit spell check and nothing is wrong. Don't you feel, just for a second, like you are smarter than you really are when that happens? No, that's just me? Huh. Bummer.


FENICLE said...

So you don't want to be touched...but you like to touch others uh?

Patricia said...

you're very weird.

i like that in a person, it's like a requirement for me :)

VaQueenBee said...

Thanks for playing along, Andi!

I do the handwashing thing a lot too. I probably drive kids crazy when they come to my house and I'm saying "Did you wash your hands?" So it's not just me...I require it of others, too.

When you mentioned the Snickers bar I remembered your mom's blog when she talked about the Snickers bar you got out of the machine and thought it was written in Spanish...I think it was the side that said SATISFY. LOL