Saturday, February 09, 2008

This Stinks

I called Sophie's doctor last night after yet another round of puking, which has been going on now since Monday. He listened to her symptoms and gave a diagnosis of rotavirus. So I checked it out online and it said that it would cause...

fever-- Check
nausea and vomiting-- Check
frequent, watery diarrhea--double check
runny nose--check
abdominal cramping-- not sure

So what stinks, as my title declares? Rotavirus stinks. Literally. At times the whole house just smells like poop or puke. Nice. Luckily she does not seem to be getting dehydrated yet, so for now we are just hanging around the house in our pajamas. I'm hoping that any minute now my sense of smell will atrophy and things will seem better until they really are!


Valerie Swartz said...

Yeah that sounds like my house.
I hope she feels better soon:)

FENICLE said...

No fun at all....hope she feels better & no one else catches it!

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

You POOR thing, Rotavirus is THE worst!! Having it is awful, the worst 24 hrs of my life I think!! Hang in there and hope no one else gets it, poor Sophie!!