Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day

Jacob and I do not have what we call the "romance gene". It's just not in us. For Valentine's Day we did nothing. Not a chocolate, not a flower, no movie, no dinner, not even a $.94 card from Wal-Mart. I just fail to see the big deal. I don't like holidays where you have to create the magic yourself. Christmas makes its own magic, so does Easter and Thanksgiving. Fourth of July is fun to look forward to, maybe even New Years, but V-Day does nothing for me. I did get Sophie a Tyrannasourus Rex. He can REALLY eat your heart out. She loves it. I ate a piece of chocolate for K-man and that was his present- he got it eventually.

Other than that I spent the day with my brothers and sister for gotcha day. We attempted to take Sophie to the theater to see the Veggie Tales movie. Notice the key word there...attempt. I ended up staying with the kids and Mom took Sophie to the grocery store. They had a great time, the kids watched the movie and I took some time to just relax. It was nice. Later that night I forgot about my painting class (really, I just got my days mixed up) and Mom and I ended up watching a Hallmark movie. I figure if I can't have my own romance, I can dig on someone elses. It works for me. What did you do yesterday?

And does anyone else have spell check? Mine still doesn't work.


Tina said...

Spell check is out for me too. What gives??
V-day is no big deal between Kasey and I. We started dating on Feb. 16th (which I've always teased him that he waited to ask me out till after Vday so that he didn't have to send me flowers).
I did get him a new coffee cup and he got me some peanut butter cups and a previously viewed DVD from the checkout lane at Buy-Low.
I always get the boys a gift for Vday though. They each got a little stuffed dog that they were very happy to get.
Last night I got take-out for dinner then went to Bible Study at church. Aah...the simple life.

Anonymous said...

Chris and I aren't big V-day supporters either. I got Bella a pretty silver heart shaped box with her initial on it. I told her it was a treasure box for my little treasure. I found it at the drug store downtown for $7 and figured she'd get a kick out of it.


Anonymous said...

I agree V Day doesn't do much for me either! I used to date a guy who sent red roses, etc. and he ended up cheating on me and was a jerk! Besides flowers die, etc. etc. I think some of these "holidays" were created to make Hallmark, Candy stores, flower stores, etc. rich. What happened to the "true" holy days i.e. Feast of the Tabernacles????? Where was Keegan while you were with your sibs and your Mom had Sophie?????