Sophie's Big Day
Last night Sophie USED THE POTTY!!!!!
Every morning and every night she wants to go "body". She will sit there with her legs stuck straight out so that she can support her massive book that she likes to look at while she is sitting there. She'll maintain this pose until she gets through the whole book, sometimes up to ten minutes! It's such a routine now that I was not even paying attention, I was brushing my teeth, putting on my pajamas, etc... She finally told be that she was done (nun, momma) and when I went to pick her up... there was little Sophie doodles in the toilet!!! YAY!!!!
We then proceeded to do the most exuberant potty dance known to man which got her so riled up that bedtime was delayed by 45 minutes while we all ran around her room playing.
I'm having mixed emotions about this whole potty thing. On one hand is the obvious excitement of not changing her diapers anymore. On the other is the sad fact that Sophie is growing up, and it goes faster all the time. I just am having a hard time processing that she is even old enough to really be doing this! She's still my baby for crying out loud, and babies don't use the potty!
Sophie may be on her way to being a "big girl", but she is still my baby!
"Sophie may be on her way to being a "big girl", but she is still my baby!" Just change Soph's name to Jess and that's how I feel. *sniffles*
This made me sniffle. It sounds like life in our house (DS potty trained a few weeks ago). I just can't believe how quickly it's gone! I was a little weepy on his first birthday, but his second will just push me over the age. Babyhood will really be behind him!
Hey, I'm impressed she's interested! I know it's sad...but trust me you'll enjoy not purchasing diapers/pull-ups!!!
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