Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sensory Overload

At any given moment at our home you can....

hear laughter.

smell diapers.

see messiness.

hear the random pig snort that Keegan makes.

immediately hear MORE laughter.

feel chaos.

feel where the puppy peed as you step in it with your clean socks.

hear Keegan getting into the dog water. Again.

see Mommy's work piling up.

feel frustration.

smell bubble bath.

feel little arm hugs.

see Care Bears.

hear "I Love YOU, Mommy!"

see tantrums.

hear reprimands.

hear stories.

hear prayers.

feel sloppy kisses.

hear steady nap time breathing.

feel, hear and see LOVE.

Thank you, God, for this life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you Susie Mae.

Sally Sue