Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hold your horses, people! :)

I know it's been a while since I blogged when my mom starts getting comments on her blog about me not blogging. So fine, here I am people. The swooning may begin now.

Lets see here... the news. Hmm. Oh that's right, there isn't much. Really, I've worked a lot this week. My dishes are piled up and so is the laundry. I've totally blown my diet this week and my knee still hurts like, um, well, you know what it hurts like. I am loving the greenhouse job but had forgotten how rushed the evening is when you don't get home until after five. (I swear I'm not whining, just commenting.) I don't mind going to work there, even though I miss the kids, it's fun getting to play in the dirt and watch things grow. Even packing plants around for hours never seems to get old. It's warm, it's green, it's exercise in disguise, what else could I ask for? What's that you say? A thonged cabana boy with a fake tan and a fruity drink? Well, okay, I guess that would be alright.

Had a totally uneventful CASA court case today. Parents still on meth, kids didn't go home. Go figure, huh?

We did get our tax return. (Cha-ching) It was quite a bit larger than I expected so Jacob and I bought a bigger bed. That's right folks, we are officially sleeping in a queen mattress. I'm not going to lie, the twin was getting a little old.

Gotcha. Wouldn't that be funny? Both of us big ol' hosscats in a twin bed. But really, we pick up our bed tomorrow if it's not raining. Now we just need to find a cheap stove and our house is set for hopefully another year. That sound you are hearing now is my knocking on wood with my entire being. It's more of a wood body slam really.

Jacob may have to shave his head soon. If the kids at the high school raise $1,000 for the red cross Jacob goes all Mr. Clean on me. That wouldn't be so bad except that when he was a kid a tree limb fell on his head, giving him several very intense skull fractures. Fractures that left intense scars. He will have the ugliest shaved head in the history of man. All the high school chicks will probably dig it.

The new goodwill opens in town tomorrow. I am S.T.O.K.E.D. I heart me some goodwill.

Well for not having anything to say I sure ranted for a while. I'm going to go do some laundry. Okay, I just lied to you. I'm going to go sit on the couch and do nothing. Sounds nice though, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Baby, Love ya - Granny Gayle