Sunday, March 01, 2009

I've been hanging around...

What a busy week! I had several days of work in the schools, a few days at the greenhouse, and a trip to Louisville for our bout against DCRD. It was pretty much phenomenal. We ended up losing by THREE, ugh, but it was so close. We were ahead, then they were ahead, back and forth until they squeaked it out. We had such a blast. Then my best friend and I spent the night a a friends house that we went to high school with, we went out with yet another friend I haven't seen in ages and stayed out way too late! But today I am back home with my family, happy to have had a little break and glad to get kid cuddles and husband hugs. Good stuff. I did manage to bust my knee up a bit at the end of the bout, and it's pretty bruised and swollen, but I've had worse!

While I was gone Sophie brought Jacob one of her play dresses to put on her, followed closely by Keegan who also had one of her play dresses to put on him. Sophie was not pleased at Keegan's presence in her Minnie Mouse dress, Keegan on the other hand was pleased as punch. I guess he felt pretty.

They also had a trip to McDonald's for happy meals. They happy meals came with stickers which Sophie promptly stuck in a neat line across the top of the television screen and declared them to be her very own Christmas lights. I love her imagination, but maybe not so much her follow through on what she imagines! She was very unhappy when Daddy took down her "twistmas twee lights".

Keegan is officially weaned. (Can we all say FINALLY?) It's been about two weeks without any nursing at all. It's made life so much easier, and he seems to be much happier now that he doesn't have to run back to me to nurse every time he bumps his head. He's much more self-reliant now which I really dig.

Fishing season is fast approaching, which means that Jacob is just a blur of tackle box preparation and changing out his lines. It also means that any trip to Wal-Mart has the mandatory side trip to the fishing aisle where Sophie has suddenly set her heart on a new purple fishing pole. Keegan has his heart set on grabbing anything he can and throwing it on the ground or destroying it. But Dad and Sos are going to have some fun fishing trips coming up I think.

I'm off to go see my Momma. I haven't seen her since Friday morning since she went out of town too, and that's just longer than I'm used to going without seeing her!

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