Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This and That

During a storm last week our laptop was decimated. It is currently under repair by the go to man, Larry, but until it is done I am using the old Mac with the ghetto keyboard. And if the ghetto keyboard wasn't enough to deter me from posting, our Internet was out most of the week as well. A double storm whammy. Ugh. So here is what has been going on:

Jacob was helping Sophie pull up her pants and she looked at him and said "you so smart, daddy." I think her spiritual gift is gonna be edification for sure.

We took the kids to Holiday World today for the first time. We being my Momma and myself, as Jacob had to work. We had such a blast! It is so cool getting to rediscover things through my kids. I had forgotten how cool Holiday World really was. I have some pictures from about the first ten minutes, right up until my camera died. I can't load them on the Mac, (different software), but I can maybe load them at my Momma's. I'll try to soon.

My favorite part of the day was watching Sophie fling herself into Santa's arms. She was SO EXCITED, and of course I am emotionally dysfunctional so I cried because she was so happy. She also loved the roller coaster for wee kids, the carousel and the scrambler. Then, perhaps most surprisingly of all, she sat and watched the entire dive show, all the while laughing, cheering, oohing and ahhing. My friend from high school that I used to dive with before I got lazy and too scared to do reverses, Dan, is the manager of the dive show and is still a blast to watch. Afterwards he talked to Sophie and she thought that was SO COOL. (At this point I would like to apologize to every English teacher I ever had for that terrible run on sentence I had a bit ago. You taught me better than that.)

Keegan did great today as well, he rode everything he could and waited patiently for Sophie on the things he couldn't. He was a hoot to watch as on every single ride his face would first be like "oh crap.... I don't know about this." (Keegan's face still says crap because his Mommy hasn't broke herself of that particular habit yet.) Then his face would oh so slowly morph into possibly having fun mode, then bust out into full blow "WHEEEEEEEE", which is incidentally one of the only words he says. He was awesome. Tonight when it was almost bedtime Sophie asked "Momma, when we get done with our naps can we go back to Holiday World?" I'm going to go out on a limb and say they had a good time.

Jacob started playing softball with the FOP on Tuesday nights. It took exactly two games for him to hurt himself. He was sliding and buggered up his knee, though in my opinion his miserly knee injury was dwarfed by a local deputy who was beaned in the head and had blood flowing freely down his face. Blood always wins the injury contests, Jacob. Sorry. Moving on in this unending post....

Sophie has been begging me to take her skating and my friend Meags had her birthday party at the skating rink. I took the kids and Sophie's little pink princess skates which got worn for aproximately ten minutes before she was done with skating. I just have to say that if you have never skated while pushing a double stroller with two kids in said stroller, it brings a whole new level of tired to the whole glut area. Um.... yeah. Ouch.

The yard sale of never ending preparation (YSONEP) continues it's timeless sojourn towards the weekend. Once we get rid of all the baby stuff, I'll get pregnant. HA! Just kidding, but you know that would be when it would happen, right? No, what will happen is that we will start remodeling the spare room and make it Keegan's bedroom. Hey, it's a goal.

This post is unending, I just need to nip it in the bud. I'll try to post, despite the ghetto keyboard.

PS-- to all my facebook buddies. My account is messed up. I can't get past my homepage so any messages you are sending I have no way to reply to. I swear I am not ignoring you.

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