Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Crap in the Bed and other Odds and Ends

Sophie spent the night with Mamaw the other day and slept in Carly's room. As I was leaning over to tuck her in she said "Wait, we need to get the crap out of the bed..." I was getting ready to sputter out that there wasn't any crap in the bed when she finished "because last night it bit my hand off." So in Sophie-land crap = crab. Good to know.

She has thing thing about dreaming for a while now that there are things in the bed. A few weeks ago she spent the night with our friend Sherie and she woke up because "THERE IS AN ANIMAL IN THE BED!" Of course at their house it was true, their dog Cooper was in the bed. But that wasn't it... she was worried about the worms that were under the blankets. So they got up and went to lay down on the couch and Sophie wouldn't quite settle down. Finally Sherie told Sophie to go to sleep and Sophie said "Did you hear that? They are TALKING to me!!" She apparently has some vivid imagination happening.

Keegan has been busy worrying Jacob running around in dress up clothes with Sophie. Head bands, purses, barrettes, if it's girly he's got it. But he makes up for it by stomping around in said dress pretending to be a dinosaur. And leaping... have mercy the boy loves to jump. A few days ago he climbed up on the arm of the chair, which is just a bit shorter than he is, steadied himself just long enough to get his balance and then jumped as high as he could. I laughed and laughed and my mom about had a heart attack. The kid is completely fearless when it comes to that type of thing.

However, he is not that thrilled with the spray park at the YMCA. Jacob and I got a family membership at the beginning of the year so that we could lap swim, which is about the only thing I can manage because my knee is still injured. Afterwards we go get the kids from the child watch center and take them swimming. Sophie is all about it, Keegan is... not so much. He is much more reserved in the water than Sophie is. Where Keegan will jump off of anything, Sophie will do anything in the water. She's a lifeguard's nightmare.

These kids just make me laugh. Sophie told me today that when she gets older she is going to "get a job, go to the YMCA and exercise and drink grown up drinks." And Keegan is convinced that every time we sit down to eat it's time to "go poop in potty." He has NEVER pooped in the potty in his entire life. He's never done anything in the potty. But Sophie has this thing where she wants to see the bathroom in every building we go into. This means every time we go to a restaurant she immediately needs to go potty, so now Keegan does too, but he waits until the food gets there to say it. After a few weeks of this, with me taking him to the potty and him not going, now I just tell him to go in his diaper, because I am eating my food while it's hot. He seems to be okay with this, and so am I.

I bought a new digital camera with my Christmas money, so I have a few pictures to post of the kids playing in the snow. I'll do that in the next few days.


Jodi said...

My younger sister always had to see every bathroom in every restaurant we went to when we were little. Not sure the motive behind that even now 20 some years later. :D

Fatcat said...

When my daughter was little we called it the World Bathroom Tour. We were convinced she was going to see every bathroom in the world before she was 5!